Handels- og ingeniørfirma med fokus på procesinstrumentering

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PMDS 4 - Rentrums differenstrykstransmitter / Panel

The PMDS4 display panel has been developed specifically for monitoring clean rooms, laboratories and other medical rooms. Due to its size, the device can be integrated perfectly into partition walls. It is equipped with an integrated pressure transducer and can accommodate up to four additional sensors to detect temperature, humidity, etc. Warning and switching limits can be set for monitoring and controlling sensitive rooms. The PMDS4 can also be easily integrated into your existing building management system. The panel’s display is easy to read – even from far away. In addition, it is possible to communicate with the device via its interfaces. The device can be calibrated and adjusted quickly and directly from the front panel.

Fields of application of the PMDS 4
clean room technology
chemical industry
medical technology
filter technology, finishing pass measurement

Steen Holm Madsen
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(+45) 21 36 71 70
Specialist i Tryk, Differenstryk, Differenstryktransmitter,
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